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The war in Ukraine set many people on the move, many of whom found refuge in the Czech Republic. As part of various administrative processes, it is necessary to submit original documents in Ukrainian with a legal translation into Czech to the Czech authorities.
Legal translation can only be made by a person registered in the list of interpreters and translators for a specific language, and the processing of such translation requires accuracy and a high degree of responsibility. At Language Hub, we have set aside a budget within which we pay the translators for their work, but we do not charge Ukrainian customers for it, and we bear the cost of making the translation.
As of 7/20/2022, we provided financial assistance in the total amount of CZK 18,500.
The translated documents were mainly birth certificates, marriage certificates, university diplomas and extracts from the criminal record.
We continue to help, and if you wish to request legal translation from Ukrainian to Czech, please use this form, call +420 544 212 355 or write to us at
Dovolujeme si oznámit, že roční zpráva společnosti Language Hub, s. r. o., za rok 2021 je k dispozici k náhledu a ke stažení zde (.pdf, 7MB | menší rozlišení 2MB zde) Pro další dokumenty společnosti navštivte prosím dokumentový server.
Děkujeme všem kolegům a zákazníkům za dosavadní přízeň a spolupráci.
For an overview of Czech grammar, use the freely available package of memorization cards Hub Cards.
The constantly updated file covers various areas of the language, contains grammar patterns, additional help and examples of use.
The cards can be downloaded in PDF or PNG format, printed and further distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.
If you have an idea to add to the database, suggestions for correction or a comment on the content, write to us at
Thanks to the H5P module we can create free interactive exercises for the Czech language in Moodle which are available on our website.
Exercises contain various activities, such as gap-fill exercises, wordsearch or crossword puzzles, and cover various grammatical phenomena of Czech. Larger tasks offer test kits that summarize more information.
No registration is required to access the tasks, the results are not stored anywhere and the exercises can be repeated as you like. The right solution is part of each of them.
An updated list can be found here:§ionid=2551.
When we implemented a video conferencing server BigBlueButton in April 2019 to support distance education, we knew only in rough outlines how important this tool would become for us in the upcoming months and years.
Since March 2020, all face-to-face education has been suspended. Thanks to more than a year of experience with the implementation of online lessons (albeit on a small scale), we at Language Hub were able to respond very quickly and move smoothly into the online space.
BigBlueButton is a video conferencing application accessible via a compatible browser, and no additional software needs to be installed on your computer, tablet or phone to run it. Its working is provided on our server and its management is completely under our own control.
The video conferencing interface has a high-quality audio codec, video transmission, user-friendly interface, whiteboard, collaborative text editor, voting module, screen sharing and audio / video materials directly in the lesson and other tools that very accurately simulate a real class and help the lessons run naturally.
We delivered 2,500 of them with the help of BigBlueButton from March 2020 to June 2021. This number gives us some feedback that the decision to invest in launching our own learning infrastructure made sense.
There was a plan to implement new graphic elements to our webpage. The idea begun in January 2021 and was finally realised in May 2021.
A brilliant job has been done by a talented graphic designer Mihaela Burda Stoican, a former Language Hub student.
Mihaela brought a spectrum of abstract, yet easily recognisable motifs and her clean style with bright colours graphically accompanies the main philosophy of Language Hub- to provide the best teaching and translation services.
Visit for more information on Mihaela‘s work.
Na počátku roku byl spuštěn Dokumentový server, jehož cílem je koncentrovat soubory a odkazy pro potřeby lektorů, studentů a managementu Language Hub. Server má veřejnou a neveřejnou (dostupné po autentizaci) část.
Záznamy jsou katalogizované a vyhledatelné podle tagů.
We are happy to announce that the BigBueBlutton app, which is used to connect students and teachers in our virtual classrooms, has successfully passed the stress test.
From April to September 2019 there were over 100 online lessons with a total length of 140 hours with no crashes or malfunction recorded.
Thanks to a direct connection to the Moodle system, that our school runs on, we can ensure a trouble-free and secure connection. What is more, an overview of all planned and taken lessons is available including downloadable presentations.
BigBlueButton is used for off-site education as well as a substitute to conventional courses in case of time or place clash.
Watch this video to learn more about BBB.
Language Hub server runs on the Moodle system which now allows you to get access to online content of your course in a new App available for both Android and iOS.
Download from Google Play
Download from App store
Once you install the app, you need to enter the page and enter your user name (email) and password for your existing account.
The system recognizes your account and displays your courses. The course folder in the app is identical content-wise with the folder available through a web browser. You can open different files (.doc, .pdf, .txt ...), pictures, links and fill in online exercises and use the forum. Some activities are not supported in the application and can be open on your phone in a web browser by clicking on the link.
Keep your app up to date.
Úspěšná implementace videokonferenčního serveru BigBlueButton
V květnu 2019 byl spuštěn ostrý provoz serveru BigBlueButton (BBB) pro organizování virtuálních tříd.
Tendence přesunout část fyzické výuky do online prostoru je patrná již řadu let. Programy typu Skype nejsou pro vzdělávací aktivity nejvhodnější, protože jim chybí prvek participace studentů ve třídě.
Vedle audio a video spojení ve vysoké kvalitě, BBB obsahuje funkci virtuální tabule s možnostmi pokročilého prezentování (tvary, podtrhávání, spojování, zvýrazňování), chatovací a close caption rozhraní a v neposlední řadě možnost nahrávání a zpětného zpřístupnění jednotlivých lekcí nebo jejich částí účastníkům. Vložená prezentace je v průběhu lekce a po jejím skončení dostupná všem studentům.
Rozhraní je plně integrované do školního systému Moodle. Student tak nepotřebuje další přihlašovací údaje, virtuální místnosti však přesto zůstávají silně zabezpečené na úrovni kurzů podle politik Moodle.
Pro organizování tutoriálů je možné zpřístupnit hostovský účet s jednorázovým dočasným heslem řádově desítkám účastníků.
Budete-li si přát vyzkoušet, jak vypadá lekce přes BigBlueButton, dejte nám vědět, spojíme se s Vámi.
Pro podrobnější prezentaci systému navštivte prosím tento odkaz (PDF, 7MB).